If you want to check whether your joins are proper or not you can run your update query in transaction, using this you can run select query on original table which gives you exactly those results which you are looking for, and after confirmation you can finalize the query.
BEGIN;-- Begin the transactionUPDATE schema.village villSET wst_id = vill_view.wst_id_023::INT, --if you want to cast the column type wst_dist = vill_view.wst_dist_023::numeric --if you want to cast the column typeFROM schema.village_view vill_view WHERE vill.id = vill_view.id::double precision; --if you want to cast the column type-- Verify the resultSELECT * FROM schema.village-- ROLLBACK; -- if your query fails or fills that something is wrong you can reverse the all updates and table will remain as original-- COMMIT -- if you fills all are good (no return to original table once commited)